Diane Chencharick, Artist/Instructor
Meet & Greet Artist Reception
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
5:30pm to 8:00pm
Picky Do’s and Beverages Provided
Workshop: Three Days
Thursday October 8 –
Saturday, October 10, 2015
9am to 3:30pm
Morning Snacks and Lunches Provided
Diane Chencharick has a
long background in the arts. She enjoyed a successful career in advertising and
design, with more than 30 years as a graphic designer, art director and
creative director. She has mentored numerous artists, developing their
creativity, honing their design skills and teaching effective use of contrast
and color. Her unique classes and workshops also draw from her leadership
skills, helping artists overcome self-limiting behaviors that keep them stuck
in old patterns.
While watercolor continues
to be her preferred medium, she often incorporates inks and acrylics in her
work. She is known for her strong use of color and keen sense of design and has
shown her award-winning work in galleries, as well as many exhibitions. She is
an active member of Michigan Water Color Society and has served on its Board of
Directors for more than 10 years. For more information check out
Diane’s website: http://www.deepwatergallery.com
We don’t often think of
fear as the cause of the problems we face in our art, but fear can hold us back
in multiple ways – from the tiny brush we use to make sure we stay in control…
to the lack of contrast in our work … to staying too long in our comfort zone,
trying to create without taking the risk of being creative. Each day we will build self-awareness around the
most common root fears that keep us stuck in old patterns, and do painting
exercises to stimulate our growth. You’ll come away knowing how to “get
out of your own way” and take your art to the next level.
This workshop is for intermediate and advanced watercolor artists who are bored, frustrated and want to do something about it.
- Class outline
- Participants submit two watercolor samples as part of the
application process. The Artist/Instructor will review all
participant artwork to get a better understanding of the ability levels and can
make adjustments to the workshop curriculum if necessary.
- Participants submit a list of their artistic strengths and
- Participants take a free Mini FEBI personality assessment
(febiassessment.com). This will be used during the first day of the
- A minimum of two activities that support the workshop curriculum (TBA).
- Produce and bring one
underpainting using wet-into wet technique on half sheet of watercolor paper
MEET & GREET ARTIST RECEPTION – Snacks & Beverages Provided
Provides students the opportunity to
make connections prior to the workshop.
- Artist Introduction – including artistic philosophy and growth
- Participant Introductions
- Workshop Overview and presentation of past work
DAY 1 – Morning
Snacks / Beverages & Lunch Provided
- An introduction to the 4 energy patterns: Driver, Organizer,
Collaborator Visionary
- Review of FEBI results. How the patterns relate to your own
STRENGTHS and WEAKNESSES; what makes you unique
- Developing weaker energy patterns and why it’s important for your
- Fear Discussion: I am a pretender/unauthentic
Demonstration and Class Exercises:
- Review of good design principles
- Underpainting(s) using wet-into-wet technique
- Underpainting(s) using textures and strong contrast
DAY 2 – Morning Snacks / Beverages & Lunch Provide
Fear Discussion– I am not good enough; I am not smart enough
Demonstration and Class Exercises:
- Looking at underpaintings from different directions
- Figuring out what your work needs
- Adding to underpaintings from previous day
- Negative painting and layering with textures and solids
DAY 3 – Morning
Snacks / Beverages & Lunch Provided
Fear Discussion – I am not lovable
Demonstration and Class Exercises:
- Resolving problems: Adding blacks and whites, changing shapes,
creating balance, acetate transfers, using colored pencils and cropping
the conclusion of each day
Artist/Instructor work and student work; what we like and don’t
like – what we’ve learned
The workshop experience culminates with a post workshop session,
which gives the participants opportunities to apply some of the newly found
techniques - a minimum of two activities that support the workshop
curriculum (TBA).
If you have questions send
an email to Cathy Nicholson – HollyhockStudio97520@gmail.com. If you
would like to register for the workshop please email a note of interest,
including attachments with (2) samples of your recent watercolor
work. After receipt of the note of interest and artwork a
registration form will be emailed. Act quickly, if you are
interested, as there are only 8 spots for this one-of-a-kind workshop